26 February, 2007

A Bit of Fry & Laurie

What I'm Listening to:

Song: Driftwood: A Fairy Tale
Artist: Cursive
Album: The Ugly Organ

Tippity top 5 time...

Top 5 restaurants exclusive to Springfield:

5. Pappy's
4. China Star
3. Hinode
2. Casper's
1. The Garden Cafe

Top 5 local bands:

5. Vandemaar
4. Cornbelt Chorus
3. Jeremy Larson
2. The Springs
1. Shinebriter

Top 5 live action TV shows:

5. 24
4. Spaced
3. Heroes
2. Lost
1. Doctor Who

Top 5 cartoons:

5. Batman (the 1990's Fox series)
4. Scooby Doo
3. Frisky Dingo
2. Venture Bros.
1. South Park

Top 5 movies:

5. UHF
4. Pan's Labyrinth
3. Cannibal! The Musical
2. Dumb & Dumber
1. The Fifth Element

I guess that's enough to make up for me not posting in two weeks. If not, well that's just too bad. Congrats to the Harshman's for sticking it out and Praise God for answered prayer! Oh, if you're able to make it over to the Moxie before March 15th, go see Pan's Labyrinth. It's pretty much one of the best movies you'll ever see. Cheers.

What I'm Listening to:

Song: Friday's Dust
Artist: Doves
Album: The Last Broadcast

12 February, 2007

And hey, what about the Snorks? Remember them?

What I'm Listening To:

Song: Glider
Artist: Kent
Album: Isola

I don't have much to say right now other than I am in a weird mood (what else is new) so I thought I'd better post another Top 5 list and see how fun it turns out. Oh, and I'm going to start ordering them from 5 to 1 (instead of 1 to 5). Here we go:

Top 5 Yoplait Yogurt Flavors:

5. Vanilla
4. Blackberry Harvest
3. Blueberry
2. Peaches & Cream
1. Strawberry Cheescake

Okay, that was a bit lame. My devoted readers deserve more. Here's another one.

Top 5 Bands:

5. The Cure
4. Kenna
3. The Juliana Theory
2. The Benjamin Gate
1. Elbow

Alright, that one was lame too - Todd already did a top 5 bands. Let's give it one more try.

Top 5 Places I Never Want To Go To:

5. Hell
4. Los Angeles
3. France
2. Abercrombie & Fitch
1. A French festival in LA sponsored by A&F (wait, that's number 5)

I guess that one is alright. I'll have more next time. Cheers.

What I'm Listening To:

Song: Antihero
Artist: The Appleseed Cast
Album: End Of The Ring Wars

10 February, 2007

Yeah, I know!

What I'm Listening To (pre-blog edition):

Song: Hello? Is This Thing On?
Artist: !!!
Album: Louden Up Now

Okay, before anyone starts - I am well aware of my inactivity on the ol' Blogspot. I will be the first to admit that I have been slacking for the better part of two months. Please refer to this post's title and leave it at that :)

Now, on to the good stuff. Well, I have nothing to back up how 'good' it is, but I am finally sitting down to write on here after a two month absence so that should be 'good' enough. If it's not, well too bad. The time since my last post has been busy, to say the least. Not just for me, but for everyone around me too. Examples being: new lives brought into the world, Springfield's proverbial statue head getting pooped on by nature's ice-pigeons, people recovering from said catastrophe, me getting to spend time with my favorite person (her name rhymes with Kanae Twartzlander), getting to know new friends, catching up with old ones, and listening to some great music. Sheesh - lots of stuff going on.

Well, as stated in comment form on one of Todd's latest posts - I'm going to steal another idea of his (the first being the "What I'm Listening To", which I'd like to think I improved upon by adding a second song at the end of each post :) Top 5. Not as many as David Letterman's Top Ten List, but far superior. I'll try it and see how it goes.

Top 5 Favorite clothing fabrics:

1. cotton
2. polyester
3. wool
4. lycra (spandex)
5. 8-grit sandpaper

That wasn't so bad. I think I can get the hang of it. I have several things I need to be doing instead of typing, so I should probably get to as many of those as I can before bedtime. After-whiles crocodiles...

Oh, and to the two readers who will actually get it - yes, this post's title is intended to be in the style of Andy Pipkin. Cheers.

What I'm Listening To (post-blog edition):

Song: National Anthem
Artist: Radiohead
Album: Kid A