20 November, 2006


What I'm listening to:

Artist: The Cure
Song: Out of This World
Album: Bloodflowers

I had always heard weddings were typically stressful and never thought it would happen to me... well, this morning I had my first taste of what I think people might have been talking about. I'll get into it more soon, when I have more time to post (hopefully today sometime). All I will say for now, is that I'm about to scream and thankfully I didn't while on the phone with my mother. Cheers.

P.S. - If you haven't noticed already, I put a link to my Myspace page over there on the right side of this here bliggity blog. It's full of magic, wonder, and a few clips of tv shows I enjoy. It might also give you a bit more information about my personality than can be determined by reading this blog and/or being around me in person every so often. Hopefully it won't cause you to waste too much of your time :)


Andy said...

I'm still waiting for that post you said you were going to write...Are you still playing paintball and video games this Saturday?

Todd said...

MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSE...... I need your email address pretty pleaze. I need to send you something reallllly baaaad. Myinne is distanceym@yahoo.com. Shoot me your addy