06 October, 2006

About friggin' time!

I don't have what I'm listening to because I'm on my dad's laptop and he doesn't have any tunes on here for me to enjoy while posting, so sorry. At least I've got an excuse, TODD :)

Okay, so I have hated not blogging just as much as you've hated not being able to read any new posts from my neck of the woods. Let me just say that I have just been through the worst work week one could work in a week (say that five times fast! No, really; say it. Say it. SAY IT!!!) Anyway, this past work week has, I think, given me a glimpse into the bowels of Hell... and if that's any indication of what afterlife awaits me if I fail to have a relationship with Jesus, then I don't wanna go there!

Keep in mind we have recently ordered a considerable amount of our stock for the Christmas season, to ensure it will be here on time. Each order that is placed with a particular vendor is quite large, to allow us the best price possible, and is supposed to be scheduled so that only a little bit comes in at a time and makes my life as easy as it can be while keeping a reasonable inventory in stock for all our customers between now and Christmas. Well, I say 'supposed' because for one reason or another (it's pretty hard to be sure who is to blame, the manager who did the order or the vendor who sends it to us - it could just as likely be either one) most of our Christmas orders so far have come in all at once, and NOT as scheduled smaller shipments. This creates a slight problem, as I have a pretty limited space to keep all of this stuff when it arrives. So I'll sum up this past work week for you:

Friday, 09/29 - An order that was placed on Tuesday, 09/26, showed up at our door... 2 skids worth of drum hardware and guitar stands.
Monday, 10/02 - 31 parcels get dropped off by UPS (our normal day consists of around 12-15 parcels) Yeah, I'm still not caught up from Friday at this point.
Tuesday, 10/03 - 35 parcels from UPS, I get Friday's stuff done but haven't gotten to even touch Monday's wonderful gifts of joy.
Wednesday, 10/04 - 36 parcels from UPS. Monday's stuff get's done and a bit of Tuesday's pleasant packages.
Thursday, 10/05 - 39 parcels from UPS. I'm starting to freak out a bit at this point as my stockroom is quickly running out of space. As soon as UPS leaves, I hear air brakes outside my door... two more skids of stuff (one of amplifiers and one of guitars). I give up!
Friday, 10/06 - 13 parcels from UPS and no more skids of product - finally, a break! Hooray! The clouds lift and I actually get a chance to make some considerable progress! Good stuff.

So, yeah - today was a nice end to an otherwise awful work week. Sorry for complaining, I just needed to vent a little. On a brighter note, my parents are giving me their old computer this weekend and Alan Davis agreed to look it over for me and help me get it up to speed (it has Windows ME on it, arguably the worst OS in the history of mankind). Couple that with SBC hooking up my internet by Wednesday (hopefully) and I should get the chance to resume my daily blog entries that I have been slightly slacking on as of late.

I guess I'll wrap this thing up for today. Cheers.


Todd said...

I tried to say it five times fast and I failed misserably. As far as your week goes, just remember that it is weeks like this that really makes us appreciate the weeks that go by super smooth. You are more than welcome to tag along with us to any of those concerts, except for Jeremy Camp I suppose. It would be great to have you.


Paige Ferg said...

After your wonderful work week from the world down under, did you get on your Harvey the Wonder Hamster Human Hamster Wheel to relieve any stress?

Andy said...

so when is your next post? we're waiting...

Monique said...

The UPS people say this to you: "Whatever, whatever! I do what I want!" See you tonight for some Losty goodness.