12 October, 2006

Excitement with a capital "E"

Okay. Alan Davis is one of my favorite people ever. He has helped me so much this past week! I brought my quite-old-yet-newly-acquired-from-my-parents PC over to his house and we spent most of Sunday afternoon/evening looking it over, trying to install XP (as much as I despise Microsoft, XP is considerably better than Millenium Edition, which was on it when it became mine), determining a good upgrade for what I could spend, and just having some good hang out time. I have never considered myself stupid (well, almost never) but some of the terminology and figures he was throwing at me made me feel like I should be riding a short yellow bus everywhere.

So, about my title today - I am excited! My DSL is supposed to be turned on today, and the parts I ordered for the PC should arrive at my apartment tomorrow. Alan's going to help me put it all together probably on Saturday, so by the end of the weekend, I should be on-line and back to being a bloggin' fool! I need to head to church tonight for band practice, so I have to cut this post a bit short. Have a fantastic evening at Financial Fun Class, and I will see most of you at church on Sunday. Cheers.


Todd said...

I know what you mean about riding the yellow short bus. My dad and both my brothers are computer wizzes and when they get together and talk, I feel like I am the adpoted redhead step-child that has cooooodies or something. So I feel your pain bro. But on the other hand it is nice to have some nerdy family members to take care of you and your computer equipment.

As far as your music comment on my blog, I have been thinking about that. I am sure you have listened to them, but I think the David Crowder band are musical geniuses and that their music is completely different from the standard. You also might want to check out Emery, Subseven, Anberlin, Edison Glass, and Family Force 5. I don't know what your definition of different is, but I like these bands, becuase they are different than most of the bands I usually listen to. But then again you may tell me that I ride the yellow short bus for my choices, but it is all good.

Mooskers J. Featherbottom III said...

I agree about Crowder, I dig his stuff a bunch - one of the best sounding concerts I have ever seen/heard in person. As far as your other listings go, I have only listened to Emery (and it was a bit too screamy for me - I don't do the screaming stuff so much) but the music was alright. I have heard of Subseven, Anberlin, and Family Force 5, but haven't actually knowingly heard their music. Edison Glass I've never heard of at all. I'd be willing to check these bands out if you have some CDs I could borrow or something. I'm always up for groups I've never heard of (at least until I find out they are really hardcore and scream a bunch :)

Andy said...

Glad to see you back. I was beginning to find myself randomly yelling out "Where's Moose's post?!" And that's a little embarrassing when I'm standing in line for stamps at the post office. Because then they ask, "Who's Moose?" And I have to tell them who you are while trying to decide in my head whether or not to get the flower stamps or the baby kitty stamps and sure enough I always pick the wrong one and those people who were asking about you look at me like "Hey, he doesn't look like a cat guy." And I walk away in shame muttering to myself and wondering when you'll post your next update on your blog. So thanks, Moose. Thanks.

Paige Ferg said...

wow! Understandable about the computer issue. I almost forgot what you actually wrote about with all the comments. And yes todd has lots of CDs for you to listen to. As far as Andy's comment I am a little confused. I might be riding the short yellow bus tomorrow. (head shake shake rattle rattle...nothing)

Monique said...

Ah...that reminds me of a t-shirt that I saw that says, "I ride short bus."