29 September, 2006

Frankly Friday

Artist: Elliott
Song: Drive on to me
Album: Elliott (False Cathedrals)

It's Friday! I am quite fond of Fridays, as are most folks that have weekends off. Today's weather has been pretty good - too nice to be working, that's for sure. It makes me so happy that Summer (my least favorite season) is gone and Fall (my most favorite season) is upon us. 'Tis the season of campfires, weenie roasts, s'mores, pumpkins, brown and orange leaves, cool days, chilly nights, apple cider, long sleeves, great conversations, and (this year) the next Christopher Guest movie. I love Autumn!!! One might say to me, "Why don't you marry it, then?" To which I would reply, "Because I'm already getting married to Janae." That'll end that little argument :)

There are a couple of albums out that I need to pick up this weekend. Mute Math and Weird Al (both came out on Tuesday). Now that I got paid today, I can go get them :)

I don't have much else to say right now, as I have to be getting back to work (lunch break's over). I should be able to post again tonight.

In response to Mr. Schmickle's comment from my post entitled "Monkey News!", I am not calling anyone monkeys. The title is from a segment from "The Ricky Gervais Show", which was mentioned in the editorial comments about Karl Pilkington's book. Anyone who has not had the pleasure of hearing Gervais' podcast, well - you're just plain missing out. And missing out is not near as fun as making out. For anyone who cared to know. Cheers.


Monique said...

I'd marry Ricky Gervais...if he was a Christian.

Andy said...

Moose, the more I get to know you the funnier you are. Thanks for keeping things light at the bible study. I mean, who references Pee-Wee Herman at a bible study?